Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Casey Lotherio Is Born

Don was deep in sleep when he heard a loud noise like a woman screaming. "What is that awful noise?" Don thought, rousing out of his slumber. Cassandra was standing beside the bed, yelling out in pain. Their baby was about to be born!
Casey Lotherio looked at her mom with big brown eyes. She had not gotten her father's green eyes. Instead, she had inherited the "Goth" family brown eyes. Mortimer looked at his daughter and new grandaughter with pride.
Cassandra took Casey to Don. Don held out his arms to hold his newborn daughter. She was beautiful! And so perfect!
Mortimer was next to get to hold his grandaughter. He was very happy to be here now...and to be able to hold her. He thought of Bella and wondered where she was now. He knew she would be so proud of Cassandra, just as he was.
Mortimer was a wonderful grandfather to Casey. He carried her around with him...played with her...fed her...He was enjoying having a little one in the house again.

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