Monday, December 3, 2007

Darleen Dreamer Appears

Dirk and Lileth occasionally stopped by to have dinner and spend some time with Darren and Donald. Dirk was getting to know Donald, his adopted little brother. Dirk was happy that his dad had adopted the boy. Darren had been so lost, and so sad when kaylynn died. He actually seemed happy these days. Having Donald to raise had been good for Darren. Lileth gave Dirk a backrub as they stood on the back porch of his childhood hom. Ohhh, that felt so good. College had been so hard lately. Finals were done now so they could relax...for a while. At least this was their last year...seniors...yeah, that sounded good! Darren stood in the back yard, remembering his wife Darlene. It seemed such a long time ago when she had died. Dirk had been just a boy. He had tried so hard to be both a mother and father for Dirk. He hadn't done so bad though. Dirk was in college, and would graduate soon. Darren was very proud of his son. And it looked like Dirk and Lileth Pleasant would be getting married after graduation. Darren thought Lileth was okay. He really didn't know her all that well. If she made Dirk happen, then he was happy too.
Suddenly Darren was startled out of his thoughts as the face of his dead wife appeared before him! The ghost of Darlene had appeared for the first time after all these years. He was was so unexpected...
But Darren was happy. He had seen Darleen again!

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