Monday, December 17, 2007

Don and Cassandra Break Up

"I can't live with this anymore! I want you to get out, right now!" Cassandra yelled at Don after yet another argument between the two of them. "You don't mean that Cassandra" said Don, pleadingly to Cassandra. He knew whose name the Goth mansion was in. She very well could throw him out if she wanted to.
"But, what about Casey. She needs me to be here with her. Surely you can see that, can't you?" Don pleaded with Cassandra to give him another chance.
"All right. You can stay until Casey has her birthday. That should give you enough time to find someplace else to live. But, as far as you and I are concerned, we are finished!" Don turned, weeping softly. He didn't want Cassandra to see him being so weak. If he had turned around he would have seen a smile on Cassandra's face. She hadn't felt this good in a very long time!
Cassandra and Don were divorced. Cassandra was ecstatic, while Don was devestated.

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