Monday, November 19, 2007

Dinner At The Goth's

Don and Cassandra arrived at the Goth's home just as dinner was being served. Don greeted Alexander and Mortimer. Alexander was friendly as usual, but usual...was not. It was an awkward dinner for Don. Mortimer seemed to keep staring at him in stony silence. If he could have read Mortimer's mind I'm sure he would have been thinking, "THIS is going to be my future son-in-law?!"
Cassandra felt uneasy as well. She kept trying to get her father to join in on the conversation. But Mortimer just looked back and forth from Don to her with a sad expression on his face. He was certain that this man would not make his only daughter happy.
Finally Mortimer picked up his fork and began to eat his dinner. The meal was finished in silence. Even Alexander remained quiet. As soon as it was possible to do so, Alexander excused himself from the table and ran up to his room.
As Cassandra cleaned up the dishes, Mortimer invited Don to a game of chess. He really wanted the opportunity to talk to Don in private. He had heard some rumours involving Don and a certain lady and he wanted to know if they were true. Don denied everything stating, "I love your daughter. I would never do anything like that. It must have been someone else." As Mortimer continued to stare at him, Don kept his cool, staring back at the old man. He was angry at himself for being so foolish. "I can't blow this now," he thought. As Don left, he leaned close to whisper in her ear, "Just a few more days and you will be all mine. I love you, Cassandra. Dream of me tonight." And with that he turned around and left for home.

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