Friday, November 23, 2007

Mrs. Cassandra Goth Lothario

Don's relief was short-lived, however. Suddenly the sound of someone crying softly was heard. Mortimer looked as Kaylynn put her hands over her eyes. She couldn't bear to see the man she loved marry another woman. She realized that Don had never loved her...that he had only used her and thrown her away with no regard for her feelings at all. Something snapped inside Kaylynn. Seeing him stand handsome...yet with no concern for how he was making her feel. Before she realized what she was doing, Kaylynn slapped Don as hard as she could. She wanted to slap that happy smile right off his face! Cassandra stood in stunned silence watching Don and Kaylynn. Dina hid her eyes in disbelief. Mortimer was hard pressed to keep from cheering out loud. Both Dina and Nina had a few choice words to say to Don as well. Mortimer inched forward in order to hear better. He also was concerned for Cassandra. Was she okay? He was hoping that she would see the truth about the man she had married. He would hold her, comfort her, reassure her that he would take care of everything. Just as he had when she was a little girl. The marriage could be annulled quite easily.
Cassandra was determined to make her marriage successful. She loved Don so much, and believed that she could make him completely happy. After all, he was married now. That would surely make a difference, even to a man like Don...wouldn't it? Mortimer turned his back as Cassandra fed wedding cake to Don. It appears his plan had failed.
As the bride and groom made a toast, Kaylynn secretly wished good luck to the bride. She was going to need it!

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