Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Dustin Broke

Dustin returned home from school. He looked at his grades...they still weren't as good as they needed to be. He had been trying hard to keep his grades up, but between school and his job it was difficult to find the time to get everything done. And...he missed Angela. She had moved to the University and lived on campus. If only he had the money...and the grades...
Dustin left for work shortly after returning home from school. On the way to work, Dustin thought of all the responsibility and pressure he had been feeling lately. Since his dad had died, Dustin had stepped up to be the man of the house. "The only problem is," thought Dustin, "I'm not a man. I'm still a teenager. I don't want to be an adult yet!" Dustin wanted to go to college. He wanted to make more out of his life. But it took money to do anything.

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