Thursday, December 27, 2007

Angela and Alex

After Alex's birth, Angela once again felt as though her life had a purpose. She still thought often of her husband, Alexander...and of her parents. It was so tragic...the way they had all perished in the fire. Why hadn't she died as well??? She had asked herself that very question so many times. Now she believed it was because of Alex. She had been pregnant with Alex. She saw Alexander in Alex. He looked so much as Alexander had looked.
Angela did hire a nanny to help her with Alex. She was a "stay-at-home" mom, living off the inheritence she had gotten from Alexander. She lived in her family home. It was all paid for, so she didn't have to worry about a house payment. She planned to get a job, but not until Alex was in school. She had already lost so much. She didn't want to lose these precious years watching Alex grow up.
Alex usually work up very early, and would cry for Angela to let him out of his crib. "All right, Alex. And good morning to you too!" Angela said, as she slowly got out of bed.
In the evenings Angela liked to go outside and swing. Somehow it seemed to calm remind her of her younger days, and of happier times. Alex would watch from the deck. When it began to get late, Angela would take Alex inside. She would feed him his dinner, bathe him, and put him to bed. It was a solitary life...yet it suited Angela...for now.
The ghost of Daniel was the only one that made an appearance. Daniel never tried to frighten his daughter or grandaughter. He just hung around the yard, as though protecting them from harm.

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