Monday, December 3, 2007

Don and Nina

Don often stopped by Nina's house...actually, it was his house... for a short visit. With Mortimer gone, Don didn't feel much need to be careful. Cassandra didn't have a clue about his relationship with Nina. Of course, he didn't know about Nina's confession made on their wedding day. Alexander had suspicions of his own about Don, however. Ever since he had seen them kiss outside the Goth mansion those many months ago. Alexander wasn't sure that they had seen him...that he had indeed noticed the kiss that passed between them. He had been trying to get proof of this relationship, but had been so busy with school. Tonight he had followed Don. And tonight, there was no doubt of the type of relationship Don and Nina shared. And Alexander was certain he knew that Don was the father of Nina's baby. He was angry! How dare Don cheat on his sister, Cassandra. Should he tell her what he knew for certain?
Though Nina was due to have her baby very soon, she and Don continued their affair. After making love, Nina told Don of several things that needed to be repaired around the house. "Just call a repairman in the morning. I'll pay for them." Don told Nina. Why should he bother to fix anything. He wasn't a handyman. Anyway, there was plenty of money to hire someone else to do those manual jobs.
A repairman came the next morning. Nina looked out the window as she ate her breakfast. The sun was shining brightly. Yes, it looked like it was going to be a beautiful day.
After breakfast, Nina went outside to work in the yard for a while. She tended the fruit trees that Kaylynn had planted. She harvested some of the lemons. Nina had pleasant thoughts of the night before as she enjoyed the feel of the sunshine beating down upon her.

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