Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Casey Paints Cassandra

Casey had been working very hard at her painting. She was becoming quite good at it too. One day she asked Cassandra, "Mom, can I paint you wearing your wedding dress?" Cassandra and George had been married for a few months by now. Cassandra could not refuse her daughter anything. "Of course" she told her as she went to put on her wedding gown.
Cassandra posed for Casey until she grew tired. "I've got to go sit down, Casey", Cassandra told her daughter. Cassandra hadn't been feeling very well for the last few days. "Okay, I'll just have to finish this later then," said Casey. Cassandra went to the couch and sat down. No...she definately wasn't feeling very well. She lay down, thinking she would begin to feel better if she rested. "What is wrong with me?" she thought.
By the next morning, Cassandra had a pretty good idea of what her "problem" was. "I'm pregnant!" she thought, as she threw up in the toilet again.

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