Monday, December 17, 2007

Donna Caliente Has A Birthday

Nina stood, holding Donna. Once again, Don had failed to show up for his daughter's birthday. "Oh well," thought Nina, "It's his loss!" Donna didn't seem to notice her father's absence. He was gone more than he was around.
Donna transformed into a pretty, little girl. She definately favors her dad.
Don did show up the next day, and he brought Casey with him. Casey and Donna had met several times already. Donna didn't understand why her daddy lived with her half-sister Casey and not with her and her mother, Nina. But she was just happy that Don was here. Don sat with Donna and hugged her tightly. He loved both his daughters...and his son...wherever he was! Casey Lothario, Don Lothario, Donna Lotherio Caliente.
Don smiled as his daughters hugged each other for the camera.

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